Why should you believe me this time? I finally have internet that I am paying for and actually works. I also want to have some website of my own that I can write about what I enjoy and what I want to you to enjoy. Also, this year, I am anticipating on a lot of things changing in my life. Why not put it online for everyone to enjoy with me.
So for the first blog back I am going to talk about something I enjoy doing and something I will be blogging about a lot.
This is a picture I took of something I actually learned to do working at one of my jobs. Here I replaced a 72-Bit chip in an original Nintendo Entertainment System. I really enjoy doing this. I want to learn how to fix other systems as well. I am just afraid of working on a $250 to $300 system so I have not started yet. Taking things apart and trying to put them back together has been something I have enjoyed my whole life. I believe that is why I still to this day love to play with Lego's.
I want to keep this one short with it being my first blog back. Please Please Please leave comments and if you need your NES fixed just give me a call.
Looking forward to seeing what you're going to write this year! With all of us getting older and possibly moving different places it'll be nice to stop by here and see what you've been up to and what not! Mike and I both like to tinker too so it's cool that you picked that love up too, just sucks when you tinker too much and mess stuff up I.e. my laptop :P so be careful!!
Looking forward to seeing what you're going to write this year! With all of us getting older and possibly moving different places it'll be nice to stop by here and see what you've been up to and what not! Mike and I both like to tinker too so it's cool that you picked that love up too, just sucks when you tinker too much and mess stuff up I.e. my laptop :P so be careful!!
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