So today I had to go to the dentist and get some work done on my teeth. Well I hadn't been to the dentist in about eight years until school started this year and my father scheduled an appointment for me. Since I hadn't been there in about eight years I had many cavities, ten to be exact. So today I went in for my last set which was only two teeth. Every other time I went it went really well and didn't hurt at all. Well this time was a different story, it actually hurt really bad. They put theses clamp things on your teeth and they kill. I think she put about ten of them on me. But at least I am done getting my cavities filled and don't have to worry about it anymore.
1 comment:
I've been to the dentist twice in the last two weeks and I have to go back again next week. My wisdom teeth are getting removed in June. AHHH!
I hope your teeth feel better soon.
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